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Garden Consultations

I have over 30 years of experience in a wide range of gardens across the country, from large country gardens to modern town gardens; from old and neglected gardens to newly built gardens; from public and hotel gardens to historic gardens. In addition to designing, building, restoring and developing gardens across North Powys and Shropshire, I keep up to date with local plant centres, and regularly visit other gardens.

I am a true plantsperson and have a passion for all areas of horticulture but I particularly specialize in hardy shrubs and herbaceous; reclaiming neglected gardens and pruning, including fruit bushes and trees.

I am available to give personal consultations in your garden, either about a specific plant or border, or general advice about the garden. I am often asked to draw up a seasonal maintenance plan for a garden or to train a client in a task such as pruning roses.

All on-site consultations are followed up with a written report detailing the advice given for future reference.

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