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Talks to Groups

I am often asked to give talks, lectures and practical demonstrations to gardening clubs and other social groups.

I have a number of talks prepared on popular gardening topics detailed below. I am happy to add to this list. Please ask if there is a particular topic which you feel would be of interest to your group.  

"Gardening on a slope": an illustrated talk with slides looking at the fun and challenges of working in a steep garden, and plenty of well tested solutions!

"The Holly, The Ivy and other festive plants": Ideal for a winter talk, or accompanying a Christmas dinner! A light-hearted talk covering the folklore surrounding our favourite festive plants as well as other plants looking good in the darkest months.

"My Life in far!": I have studied and worked all my life in horticulture, and have travelled far and wide for pleasure and for work. This talk takes you around the world, to many corners of the UK, and on a horticultural journey through the past 50 years.

"Gardening in the 21st Century": In a world of climate change and demand for lifestyle changes, this illustrated talk looks at gardening today from techniques such as no-dig gardening to trends such as 'grow your own', from access to plants and sundries from across the globe to worldwide awareness. This is a very up to date talk, leaving you with plenty to think about, and lots of new ideas to try.

"The World under our Feet": As the titles suggest, this is about the most important part of gardening, the soil. Far from being dull, I cover composting, worms and no-dig gardening along with environmental issues, wildlife and fantastic results.


"Gardening all year round": A general talk about gardening tasks which can be undertaken in each month of the year as well as slides of plants which are looking good in gardens locally throughout the year.

"Creating a garden at Lake Vyrnwy": An illustrated talk about my experiences: successes and failures, in the ongoing process of creating my own garden on a steeply sloping south facing site alongside the River Vyrnwy. I will also include some tales from  the Lake Vyrnwy Hotel Gardens, a little further up the hill, where I have been Head Gardener.

"Gardening for Wildlife": From log piles and ponds to shrubs with berries and nectar-rich flowers; from soil full of worms to seedheads for finches, this illustrated talk is very much from my own experience building a wildlife garden on an acre of land adjoining the Lake Vyrnwy RSPB reserve.

"Right plant , Right place": the most popular of my illustrated talks, offering advice on planting for all sorts of different areas in the garden, and looking at the origins of garden plants.

New Talks for 2023. More to be added this winter for 2024!

For 2024, my charges will be £80 for a 45 to 60 minute illustrated evening talk plus time for questions etc.

Please ask about rates for daytime talks as this may depend on the time of year.

Petrol is charged at 50p per mile. I live at Lake Vyrnwy

If your group might be interested, please contact me to discuss availability. 

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